Monday, April 21, 2014

ESSTELTX Premier Quality of Centrifuged Latex:

ESSTELTX, which is a quality improved product made by extracting higher percentage of water out of latex through centrifugal process, and ammoniated for the purpose of preserving and avoiding coagulation.
Centrifuged latex is used in manufacturing dipped products such as gloves, condoms, and other consumer items such as mattresses and cushions, toys, rubber bands etc.

Latex Concentrate SpecificationH AL A T Z
Total Solids content%61.50 Min61.50 Min
Dry Rubber Content %60.00 Min61.50 Min
Non Rubber Content %2.00 Max61.50 Min
Ammonia Content (on Total Weight)%0.65-0.750.20-0.29